/* * jQuery Orbit Plugin 1.2.3 * www.ZURB.com/playground * Copyright 2010, ZURB * Free to use under the MIT license. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ (function(d) { d.fn.orbit = function(a) { a = d.extend({ animation: "horizontal-push", animationSpeed: 800, timer: !0, advanceSpeed: 3E3, pauseOnHover: !1, startClockOnMouseOut: !1, startClockOnMouseOutAfter: 1E3, directionalNav: !0, captions: !0, captionAnimation: "fade", captionAnimationSpeed: 600, bullets: !1, bulletThumbs: !1, bulletThumbLocation: "", afterSlideChange: function() {} }, a); return this.each(function() { function q() { if (!a.timer || a.timer == "false") return ! 1; else r.is(":hidden") ? s = setInterval(function() { l("next") }, a.advanceSpeed) : (o = !0, x.removeClass("active"), s = setInterval(function() { var a = "rotate(" + m + "deg)"; m += 2; t.css({ "-webkit-transform": a, "-moz-transform": a, "-o-transform": a }); m > 180 && (t.addClass("move"), y.addClass("move")); m > 360 && (t.removeClass("move"), y.removeClass("move"), m = 0, l("next")) }, a.advanceSpeed / 180)) } function n() { if (!a.timer || a.timer == "false") return ! 1; else o = !1, clearInterval(s), x.addClass("active") } function z() { if (!a.captions || a.captions == "false") return ! 1; else { var c = e.eq(b).data("caption"); (_captionHTML = d(c).html()) ? (j.attr("id", c).html(_captionHTML), a.captionAnimation == "none" && j.show(), a.captionAnimation == "fade" && j.fadeIn(a.captionAnimationSpeed), a.captionAnimation == "slideOpen" && j.slideDown(a.captionAnimationSpeed)) : (a.captionAnimation == "none" && j.hide(), a.captionAnimation == "fade" && j.fadeOut(a.captionAnimationSpeed), a.captionAnimation == "slideOpen" && j.slideUp(a.captionAnimationSpeed)) } } function A() { if (a.bullets) C.children("li").removeClass("active").eq(b).addClass("active"); else return ! 1 } function l(c) { function d() { e.eq(f).css({ "z-index": 1 }); u = !1; a.afterSlideChange.call(this) } var f = b, g = c; if (f == g) return ! 1; if (e.length == "1") return ! 1; u || (u = !0, c == "next" ? (b++, b == p && (b = 0)) : c == "prev" ? (b--, b < 0 && (b = p - 1)) : (b = c, f < b ? g = "next": f > b && (g = "prev")), A(), e.eq(f).css({ "z-index": 2 }), a.animation == "fade" && e.eq(b).css({ opacity: 0, "z-index": 3 }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, a.animationSpeed, d), a.animation == "horizontal-slide" && (g == "next" && e.eq(b).css({ left: h, "z-index": 3 }).animate({ left: 0 }, a.animationSpeed, d), g == "prev" && e.eq(b).css({ left: -h, "z-index": 3 }).animate({ left: 0 }, a.animationSpeed, d)), a.animation == "vertical-slide" && (g == "prev" && e.eq(b).css({ top: v, "z-index": 3 }).animate({ top: 0 }, a.animationSpeed, d), g == "next" && e.eq(b).css({ top: -v, "z-index": 3 }).animate({ top: 0 }, a.animationSpeed, d)), a.animation == "horizontal-push" && (g == "next" && (e.eq(b).css({ left: h, "z-index": 3 }).animate({ left: 0 }, a.animationSpeed, d), e.eq(f).animate({ left: -h }, a.animationSpeed)), g == "prev" && (e.eq(b).css({ left: -h, "z-index": 3 }).animate({ left: 0 }, a.animationSpeed, d), e.eq(f).animate({ left: h }, a.animationSpeed))), z()) } var b = 0, p = 0, h, v, u, f = d(this).addClass("orbit"), c = f.wrap('
').parent(); f.add(h).width("1px").height("1px"); var e = f.children("img, a, div"); e.each(function() { var a = d(this), b = a.width(), a = a.height(); b > f.width() && (f.add(c).width(b), h = f.width()); a > f.height() && (f.add(c).height(a), v = f.height()); p++ }); if (e.length == 1) a.directionalNav = !1, a.timer = !1, a.bullets = !1; e.eq(b).css({ "z-index": 3 }).fadeIn(function() { e.css({ display: "block" }) }); if (a.timer) { c.append('